Merlin Vienna Soundfont Sf2

This article explains how to use MIDISoundFonts as an alternative to the instrument sounds given by theMyriad digital soundbase (GMsebase.rsr). The article refers toSBLive! series soundcards in Windows, but can be of use for anySoundFont-compatible soundcard in any operating system

Giant Soundfont (this soundfont is split up into separate banks) gussbk (AWE sbk bank) oldsoundfonts (Gravis, GXSCC, and OPL3 soundfonts) OPL4 (xi instruments) Patch93s Roland SC-55 Soundfont V1.9 Patch93s Roland Sound Canvas V2.0 soundfont Patch93s Roland Sound Canvas V2.1 soundfont Patch93s Roland Sound Canvas V2.2 soundfont. Display two SoundFonts side-by-side: This double view is handy for comparing two SoundFonts. Additionally, there is a drag and drop feature - drag almost any item and drop it. There is a text editor that lets you more easily edit the comments in a SoundFont - see the 'File Info' page on the right side.


Although Harmony Assistant isinitially designed to work in digital output mode with its owndigital soundbase (GMsebase), this software is also a good MIDIsequencer. When you select the MIDI output for your score insteadof the digital output, the realism of the sound will thus be givenby the quality of both the MIDI synthesizer and the General MIDI(GM) soundset included in the soundcard.

Several soundcards (among which theCreative SoundBlaster Live! or Audigy series, the Emu Systems AudioProduction Studio APS, the Terratec AWS EWS series, or theCreamware Power Sampler) give the possibility of replacing thedefault standard Midi soundset with personalized sounds calledSoundFonts. Soundfonts are to music what TrueType fonts are to textdocuments: the same music looks very different depending on thequality of the sounds you are using.

Whatare SoundFonts?

SoundFonts are merely wave-formsamples (.wav files) that have been treated and transformed by aSoundFont editor into MIDI-controllable instruments which can beloaded onto your soundcard and used by your sequencer. Several wavesamples (one for each pitch or group of pitches) form aninstrument. One or more instruments are grouped into banks. Driverpack solution 2015 online. Eachinstrument in a bank has an ID number which is called programnumber or patch number. SoundFont Banks (files with .sf2 extension)can contain definitions of from 1 to 128 instruments and 1 drumset.

Preparing Harmony Assistant to workwith MIDI

Vitamin r 2 57 – personal productivity tool. In Harmony Assistant you work bydefault with the digital output mode. This means that theinstruments of your score sound according to the built-in wavesynthesizer and the sounds given by the GMsebase included in theGMDigit subfolder of the Harmony folder in your computer.

If you want to use alternativeSoundFonts for your instruments in Harmony Assistant you shouldfollow these steps:

  • Configure the Midi output in Harmony
  • Select Midi output mode for every single staff in yourscore

Configure the Midi output inHarmony

Soundfont file sf2

1. Select Configuration>Hardwareconfiguration
2. Select Midi 1 output: 'A: SBLive! MIDI Synth'
3. Select Midi 2 output: 'B: SBLive! MIDI Synth'

Do not select the 'Creative S/WSynth', because this is the built-in basic synthesizer of theCreative card, but not the synthesizer that uses the Emu chip thatallows SoundFont handling. If you have the 'Creative S/W Synth' asthe only possible choice in the listbox, then your soundcard is notcapable of handling soundfonts (although you have a basic MIDIsynth).

Select Midi output mode for everysingle staff in your score

If you want an instrument to be playedwith a SoundFont, its staff has to be put in MIDI output. If youwant some staves with MIDI and others with digital output, you willhave to deal with synchronization issues. Here we will just relateall staves to the MIDI 1 output. Dictionary english russian.

1. Select Instruments>Relate outputdevice
2. Press the 'All' button to highlight all the instruments of yourscore
3. Select the 'MIDI 1 output' in the right box
4. Press the '>>Relate>>' button so all instruments usethe 'Midi 1 output'

Configuring SoundFonts in yourSBLive!

1. Open 'Audio HQ' and select'SoundFont'
2. In the 'Options' tab change your 'SoundFont Cache' to set theamount of system RAM you want to use for your SoundFonts. TheSBLive! allows you to use up to half of your system RAM for the'SoundFont Cache': (for instance, up to 64MB SoundFont Cache for a128MB computer)

3. In the 'Configure Bank' tab loadthe soundbanks you are going to use in your compositions. Therewill probably be a default installed bank called '4MBGM/GS Bank' or'8MBGSFX E-mu'. It will be loaded in the 'Bank 000' and preceded bythe word 'Synth'. This means that this is the default soundbank.The soundbank loaded in Bank 000 is normally a standard GeneralMIDI compatible SoundFont soundbank, that is, a bank that includes128 instruments and a drum set in a particular order. It is made ofSoundFonts, and will sound through the A/B MIDI Synth of thesoundcard. If you want to load additional SoundFonts, you can useall the available remaining banks ranging from 'Bank 001' to 'Bank127'. Click on an empty bank and 'Load' your sf2. The allocatedmemory will increase with each sf2 you load, so load only theSoundFonts you intend to use. If you need to free up 'SoundFontCache' clear unused banks, or load a smaller GM bank.

As said before, Soundbanks are butgroups of SoundFonts. The SoundFont Manager lets you not only loadadditional soundbanks but also configure specific instruments ofone of the pre-loaded banks.
¿Why would you want to configure an instrument? Let's imagineyou have a wonderful soundfont called NylonGuitar.sf2 that you wantto use for your guitar staves. You have two choices:
a) Load your NylonGuitar.sf2 in the Bank 001
b) Replace the Nylon Guitar instrument of the defaultMIDI soundbank (instrument 024 in the Bank 000) with your brand-newSoundFont (this requires that the NylonGuitar.sf2 contains only oneinstrument)
In the first case, you will have now two guitarsounds: the one given by the default soundbank (Bank 000, Program24) and your additional soundfont (loaded in, for instance, Bank001, program 024). If you want to use NylonGuitar.sf2 you will haveto tell Harmony to select the Bank 001.
In the second case, the default Nylon Guitar soundwill be from now on your NylonGuitar.sf2. All the staffs thatinclude a Nylon guitar will be using the new sound.

In general you should tend to firstload your SoundFonts in free upper banks. Try them, and when youfind one that you will never leave, replace the defaultinstrument.

Selecting SoundFonts in HarmonyAssistant

1. Before using your soundfont inHarmony, get sure you have noted its localisation: Bank number (forinstance, Bank 001) and instrument number (for instance, 024, alsocalled program number or patch number).

2. Select the staff where you want touse your soundfont and edit the instrument (Staff>Edit relatedinstrument, or from the button of the left toobar). Press on'Standard sound' in order to switch to 'User-defined sound' andedit the MIDI parameters (if you get a wave graphic instead of MIDIparameters, it is because you have not selected the MIDI 1output).

3. In the box 'Bank' put the number ofthe Bank where you have loaded your soundfont bank (for instance,1)
4. In the box 'Program' put the instrument number of the instrumentyou want to use of this bank
5. Apply the panning, reverb and chorus effects, if required. Manysoundfonts do not require these effects ,but if you want to usethem you should previously create an Environmental Audio set forMIDI sequencing.

Further questions

  • Can I use SoundFonts with digital output? Yes and no.SoundFonts are designed to respond to MIDI commands. In digitaloutput mode you can only import the original wave samples that theSoundFont is made of (and you can only import up to 12 samples). Todo this, set a User-defined sound digital output mode, clear theexisting wave and import the SoundFont sound samples from theAction menu. These are raw sounds, and do not account for all thepossibilities of MIDI SoundFonts
  • Where can I get free SoundFonts? There are many sites in theInternet that offer free SoundFonts. Just type 'free SoundFonts' inGoogle and browse for a while.Among my favorite sites are Hammersound, The Sound Site or SoundFontCentral.
  • Can I make my own SoundFonts? Yes, you can. It can be a bitcumbersome, but if you like your real instrument you can sample itssounds and define your own SoundFont. You will need a SoundFontEditor software like Vienna SoundFont Studio 2.3, freelydistributed in the Soundblaster.comsite.
  • Where can I learn more on MIDI and SoundFonts? Completetutorials on MIDI are available at HarmonyCentral or in the JGlatt page.As for Soundfonts, a list of available tutorials is given

Merlin Vienna Soundfont Sf2 Free

Home > Resources > Experience Sharing > UsingSoundFonts
Soundfonts of guitars, basses and other instruments. Free. Licensed under GPLV3 with exception (May or may not be compatible with the Freepats exception).

Free Soundfonts

The exception:
'This license means that you can do what you like with them but if you create any samples from them or improve on them then you have to use the same license in your projects. This way it keeps it open source (and therefore free). This license is only concerned with the source code. Any music you create with them is nothing to do with me (i.e. you take all the royalties and use whatever license you like).
Compare with the Freepats exception:

Merlin Vienna Soundfont Sf2 Online

As a special exception, if you create a composition which uses these sounds, and mix these sounds or unaltered portions of these sounds into the composition, these sounds do not by themselves cause the entire composition as a whole to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the composition might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
If you modify these sounds, you may extend this exception to your version of the sounds, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version.'
Therefore, unlike the Freepats exception, we interpret that things under GPL with Flamestudios exception must keep the exception, meanwhile the Freepats exception may be removed at anytime.